Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My Dad Reads... summer list

Ok, so my dad's reading streak has been really good, he finishes books faster than me recently!! Since my last update he's finished 6 books and DNF'd (did not finish) 1 book! As previously mentioned, he is a man of few words, I promise for my next post I'm going to come up with a few more questions for him to give me more details on his views!

 The French Girl by Lexie Elliott 3.5/5 stars, my dad said it was interesting how they went through the mystery of finding proof...and then he spoiled it for me! I don't know if I want to read it now, but I don't feel like I can objectively write more about this one.

Without Blood by Martin Michaud 4/5 stars. he just said it was well written and enjoyed how the author pieced together the mystery.

Final Cut by S. J. Watson 4/5 stars, my dad enjoyed how this book went back into the past and back in years and how the author was able to write it well enough to put it together. My dad, a lot of the time, lowers his ratings when authors do a bad job of multiple pov's or multiple timelines so I'm always happy to hear when author's do it right.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley 4.5/5 stars. My dad officially loves this author and they write. He loves how he would never have guessed where the story was going, which is a bonus for me too. I'm going to read this author soon, because my dad has loved their books.

Still Here by Amy Stuart 4/5 stars. He liked it and the author did pretty good at the back and forth thing, but it wasn't super special to him.

Hunted by Darcy Coates 4.5/5 stars. Dad says it was well written, kept him in suspense and that he just really wanted to keep reading it. And that was all I could get out of him for this book.

Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud and Last Trial of Harper Lee by Casey Cep My dad DNF'd this book, he read about 130 pages (which is really good for giving it a fair chance, I don't even do that many pages usually). He said it was a very dry book, my dad likes true crime and even some history books but he said that the author kept giving too many boring details. It was just too boring and he wasn't interested in the story anymore even. My dad said he wanted to hear about the case/murder, etc... not how an insurance company got started, or how one boring person knew the other boring person in town, etc... I don't think I've ever gotten that many words out of him before when it comes to reviews. He really didn't like this one.

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