Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Give the Dark my Love by Beth Revis   ★★★★.5/★★★★★

This book started off as a typical ya novel about a young girl from a small town going to the big city to study medicinal alchemy. The main character, Nedra, is a spunky and determined female in search of answers to help people through a plague in which her island has been ravaged by. 

This Book is very dark, and I loved every second of it. I would give it a trigger warning for animal abuse, and for very graphic scenes of operations, etc... (it is focused on medicinal alchemy). The story you can kind of figure out but it had lots of crazy twists and turns throughout the whole book. This became a book to help me think up the hospital area of my D&D campaign. 

"I saw death itself. It was a feral thing, made of smoke and shadow. It was empty. And it was hungry." -Beth Revis

Nedra and her professor figure out that the plague is caused by a powerful Necromancy, and this isn't really a spoiler at all if you read the prologue... and things get extra dark from there. This book is kind of like a medieval zombie story. 

What I never really noticed about this book until near the end was the themes surrounding moral ambiguity. What constitutes as evil or good. Is it still an evil thing if you have the best reasons or intentions for it? I'd assign Nedra as Chaotic-Good, she will do whatever it takes to complete her goals.

"If you do this, Nedra, if you choose Necromancy... I will not follow you into that darkness." "Oh, Grey," I said, shiftingmy bag on my shoulder, "What do you know darkness?"


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