Friday, May 22, 2020

I finished two books last night

Dark Shores (Dark Shores, #1)

From Blood and Ash (Blood And Ash, #1)
Last night was my ideal night, BBQ at mom and dad's(the only people I've seen during social distancing) and than I had a bath and finished From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout (whom I recently discovered I love after reading White Hot Kiss and Storm and Fury...). And than in bed I finished Dark Shores by Danielle L. Jensen on my kindle because I was struggling to sleep... or I was too busy reading to fall asleep... one of the two for sure.

From Blood and Ash is all political intrigue, mystery and I expect great things like war and whatnot to be happening in the next book. I don't really know how to describe this book, it's adult fantasy and just really good. I don't know how the author does it but this story was slow moving and not very exciting but it was dark and delicious. 

I hesitate to give more detail because honestly it was better not knowing what I was getting into as I was reading it. The characters were kind of stereotypical(this author definitely does this in every book) but she's good at writing, and even though they are simple girl who is also badass in every book I've read by her so far, they are also just well written. Sorry for the obscene run on sentence but I digress, Poppy was fun to follow around, she's spunky and sassy and really starts growing as a character. She starts off as the generic heroine but really learns. She lost me a bit at the end of the book with a few of her decisions, but I can't blame a girl for her feelings. 

I gave this book 4/5 stars because there are books out there that I liked better but my only real complaint was how much it felt like I was holding a brick as I was reading.

The next book I finished was Dark Shores by Danielle L. Jensen. It was also a 4/5 star read for me. I loved it, I didn't think I would for whatever reason but it was awesome. It was very different than  I thought it would be and I loved how it was inspired by the Roman Empire. My classicist heart soared, obviously because it's fantasy first I didn't expect the Roman stuff to be so obvious but it was and it was crazy. I don't know if teenagers would enjoy this book as much as I did though. It's marketed as a ya but it was also much more technical than I thought it was going to be. A lot of crazy war stuff and political stuff happened and I'm not convinced the average teen will love this book. But I'm diving right in to the next one so I can get my review out there and plus I need...NEED to read Lydia's point of view.

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