Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Dad's first reads 2021

My Dad has already read almost 10 books but I only have notes so far to 5 of them. I'm excited for the next batch because I gave him a few translated mysteries from other countries and that's always fun...for me. Anyways, on to the list!

 The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley 3.5/5 this book is told in the perspective of an 11 year Fluvia. Dad thought that the kid nerration explained it all meticulously, that it was very smart and realistic. He thought the mystery was good, suspenseful toward end, and he really enjoyed that you learned the story more  as she learned and figured it out.

Killing with Confetti by Peter Lovesy 4.5/5  He said "and I quote, "through a big fucking wrench into me... that ending." He really thought it was good, that it had started out slightly confusing but unfolded well and he loved it.

Good Girls Lie by J. T Ellison 4/5 Basically Dad's usual descriptions for books. was different, kept in suspense, mystery off the start then near middle you figure out what's going on, past and present povs, better written, etc... He still makes me want to read it. 😝

I See You by Clare MacKintosh 4/5 Once again his usual but he told me I should just read this one, so that must mean it was pretty nifty. enjoyed it, liked how it came together and surprised at ending, keep guessing over culprit, accessory and victims until very end

Highway of Tears by Jessica McDiarmid 4/5 Dad also really like this true crime book he found it very informative, although a little dry in places hence to 4 not 5 star. My dad was also quite pissed by the end of book and I'm pretty sure that's the point. Racism against indigenous peoples in North America is extremely rampant, and it's hard to catch onto sometimes especially if you're white, which is why books like this is so important. Let's learn and do better, my father was furious and learnt a lot. Definitely recommend.

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